Friday, November 19, 2004

Barroso's 'New' Team Approved By The EP

As I expected, the second time around, the big fractions of the EP didn't dare to vote down the new European Commission again - the symbolic victory and a small step forward in the respect of the EU's only democratically elected institution trumped the very principles called upon when they voted Barroso down the previous time: to have qualified commissioners.

While the European version of Ashcroft, Buttiglione, was removed, and Kovács, the Hungarian candidate was shifted fron the energy post to the taxes and customs post, and the Lithuaian candidate remained, four rather problematic candidates remained: the Danish and Dutch candidates, now responsible for agrarian issues resp. competition, both likely to be corrupt and non-independent; and the Greek and Cypriot candidates, responsible for the environment resp. health care and consumer protection, both of whom are unqualified and coming from fields with opposed interests (the latter was finance minister at home!...). A first sign that this could be done is what has been done about the Dutch candidate (Tobias @ A Fistful Of Euros writes about it).

Well, the EU always advanced in small steps. The Consitution and its changed rules are coming [Lithuania already signed it]; in the meantime, I hope the Parliament will get on the neck of the above listed idiots on ocassion of at least some issues.


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